

The journey began in 1972 when Haq Nawaz’s parents, destitute in society, sought solace in a humble mud house void of electricity and the most basic necessities. It was within this crucible of hardship that Allahdin, his father, and Khurshid Begum, his mother, sowed the seeds of altruism in Haq Nawaz’s soul. Under the cloak of night, they taught him to leave groceries on the doorsteps of the famished, a clandestine act of compassion that ignited the spark of humanitarianism in his very blood. Haq Nawaz, with a heart untainted by prejudice, embarked on a journey that would touch the lives of countless souls.

As the sands of time drifted, his fervor for humanity surged, and he cast ripples of kindness throughout his everyday existence. In the late 80s, as the River Ravi’s wrath inundated nearby villages, leaving devastation in its wake, Haq Nawaz longed to alleviate the suffering. Despite his own limited resources, he sought out aid from the organization “Karitas,” and through sheer tenacity, secured four trucks laden with relief packages, clothes, groceries, and tents. His heart swelled with satisfaction as he witnessed over a hundred families finding succor amidst the desolation, an indelible moment that ignited an unquenchable thirst to do more.

The embers of his passion for social welfare blazed as he joined the ranks of “Daily Jung,” a bulwark against injustice, defending the downtrodden from the claws of cruelty. By the side of remarkable souls like Deputy Commissioner Faisalabad Abdul Waheed Chaudary and chairman Bait-ul-Mal Faisalabad Sultan Daudi, Haq Nawaz witnessed the veritable tapestry of empathy woven for the destitute, etching an unwavering vision of service within his conscience.

The year 2005 brought forth a calamitous earthquake that scarred Kashmir, claiming myriad lives. The clarion call from “Daily Jung” and Imran Khan reached the very core of Haq Nawaz’s being, stirring a resolute sense of duty. With unwavering determination, he orchestrated the collection and delivery of two trucks laden with relief packages to the ravaged regions.

The legacy of the great humanitarian, Eidhi, coursed through the veins of Haq Nawaz’s family. With the departure of Eidhi, a void engulfed their hearts, but the beacon of his benevolence illuminated their path. As Haq Nawaz’s son, Tahir Nawaz, posed the poignant question of another Eidhi, the realization dawned that although no one could replace him, they could perpetuate his spirit of benevolence. In a profound moment of determination, Haq Nawaz and his wife, Tahira Nawaz, pledged to traverse the roads of widows and the forsaken, despite the absence of substantial resources. Their faith in providence and the support of their sister from the USA lent unwavering strength to their noble mission.

The divine hand of fate led them to the sacred precincts of Makkah Madina, a gift from the heavens that kindled a fervent prayer to be endowed with the means to serve God’s creatures and mankind. It was a transformative moment that fortified their resolve, further stoking the flames of compassion.

Encouraged by their sons, Tahir Nawaz and Bilal Nawaz, they breathed life into “Rahe-Insaniyat,” a platform that resonated with millions and kindled a wildfire of empathy. The journey now had a chorus of compassionate souls, united by a single vision to alleviate the sufferings of the deserving. In 2018, their unyielding spirit bore fruit, as the first ambulance found its way to their city, Samundri.

Blessed by the supplications of millions, their feet firmly planted on the path of righteousness, Haq Nawaz and Tahira Nawaz earned the coveted recognition from the social welfare department of Punjab, culminating in “Rahe-Insaniyat” officially being declared an NGO by the charity commission of Punjab. The fiery passion of compassion fuels their every step, propelling them forward, undeterred until their very last breath.

Their tale is not a mere narration; it is an ethereal symphony of empathy that reverberates through the very essence of humanity. Haq Nawaz and Tahira Nawaz are determined to keep the flame of empathy alive, reaching out to the neglected and deserving, regardless of their circumstances. Their inspiring journey is a testament to the transformative power of compassion and the enduring impact of one’s benevolent actions.